Ephesoft Document Scanning

Ephesoft Benefits

Inefficiency and lost opportunity result when any of these nine tasks are performed poorly, repeated, or done out of sequence—or if they occur at the wrong stage in the value chain.

  1. Manage—To ensure high quality capture, paper files must be prepped, organized, stored, and labeled properly to begin with.
  2. Capture—Both paper and electronic files must be scanned and saved in ways that ensure document and data integrity.
  3. Classify—The system of indexing must be carefully planned in advance, so information is easy to find in the future.
  4. Format—Captured data and files must be formatted consistently and systematically to ensure cross-compatibility between all file types.
  5. Retrieve—Documents must be stored in formats and locations that ensure ease of access and speed of retrieval.
  6. Report—The system must catalog all incoming information, showing how, where, and when files and data entered the system and where they are now.
  7. Deliver—The system protocol and infrastructure must support efficient, secure routing of files and data to desired destinations.
  8. Integrate—You must know in advance how files will be used by your electronic content management (ECM) system, so that data never gets trapped in a box or lost in translation.
  9. Secure—The whole system must be secured—in terms of human and electronic access and for both paper and electronic files.